import type { CommandModule, ArgumentsCamelCase } from 'yargs' import c from 'chalk' import { input, select } from '@inquirer/prompts' import clone from 'git-clone' import path from 'node:path' // the handler function will be called when our command is executed // it will receive the command line arguments parsed by yargs async function handler() { const folder = await input({ message: c.gray('Enter project name:'), default: 'rage-fw', }) const framework = await select({ message: c.gray('Select frontend:'), default: 'react', loop: true, choices: [ { name: 'React + TypeScript (Vite)', value: 'react', description: 'React + TypeScript (Vite) as a frontend', }, // { // name: 'vue', // value: 'vue', // description: 'npm is the most popular package manager', // }, ], }) console.log( c.gray('\nScaffolding template project into'), folder, c.gray('with'), framework, c.gray('as a frontend..'), ) clone( '', path.join(__dirname, folder), {}, err => { if (err) { console.log('Error occured: \n', err)) return } console.log(c.gray('Scaffolded project into'), folder) console.log( c.blueBright( 'Working on Rage Framework. RageFW © Powered by Entity Seven Group', ), ) }, ) } // name and description for our command module const init: CommandModule = { command: 'create [template]', aliases: 'c', describe: 'Scaffold a template project using RageFW', handler, } export default init