v0.1.0 #1

sashagoncharov19 merged 32 commits from dev into unstable 2024-06-15 13:48:41 +00:00
4 changed files with 79 additions and 43 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 36c241a117 - Show all commits

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@ -1,31 +1,11 @@
import type { CommandModule, Argv, ArgumentsCamelCase } from 'yargs'
import c from 'chalk'
import { input, select } from '@inquirer/prompts'
import clone from 'git-clone'
import path from 'node:path'
import { checkForUpdate } from '../utils/update'
function builder(yargs: Argv) {
return yargs
.option('projectName', {
alias: 'p',
description: 'Name of the folder to scaffold a project to',
type: 'string',
demandOption: false,
.option('template', {
alias: 't',
description: 'Frontend framework to use for CEF',
type: 'string',
demandOption: false,
.middleware(async () => await checkForUpdate())
async function handler(args: ArgumentsCamelCase) {
let folder = (args.projectName as string) ?? args.p
let framework = (args.template as string) ?? args.t
export async function initProject() {
let folder
let framework
if (!folder) {
folder = await input({
@ -84,13 +64,3 @@ async function handler(args: ArgumentsCamelCase) {
const init: CommandModule = {
command: 'create [folderName] [template]',
aliases: 'c',
describe: 'Scaffold a template project using RageFW',
export default init

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import axios from 'axios'
import * as fs from 'node:fs'
const latestReleases =
type Release = {
id: number
type Asset = {
browser_download_url: string
export async function downloadUpdater(): Promise<void> {
const id = await getLatestReleaseID()
const latestAssets = `https://git.entityseven.com/api/v1/repos/entityseven/rage-server-downloader/releases/${id}/assets?page=1&limit=1`
axios.get<Asset[]>(latestAssets).then(async ({ data }) => {
const downloadURL = data[0].browser_download_url
const file = await axios.get(data[0].browser_download_url, {
responseType: 'arraybuffer',
const fileData = Buffer.from(file.data, 'binary')
const fileSplit = downloadURL.split('/')
const fileName = fileSplit[fileSplit.length - 1]
fs.writeFileSync(`./${fileName}`, fileData)
async function getLatestReleaseID() {
return axios.get<Release[]>(latestReleases).then(({ data }) => data[0].id)

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@ -1,11 +1,40 @@
import yargs from 'yargs'
import c from 'chalk'
import { select } from '@inquirer/prompts'
import create from './commands/create'
import { checkForUpdate } from './utils/update'
import { initProject } from './commands/create'
import { downloadUpdater } from './commands/download-updater'
.usage('<cmd> [args]')
// .scriptName('rage-fw')
// .usage('$0 <cmd> [args]')
// @ts-ignore
enum Actions {
;(async () => {
await checkForUpdate()
c.blueBright('Rage FW CLI | Powered by Entity Seven Group <3'),
const action = await select({
message: c.gray('Select action:'),
choices: [
name: 'Initialize new project',
value: Actions.INIT_PROJECT,
description: 'Initialize new project and start develop',
name: 'Install RAGE:MP updater',
value: Actions.UPDATER,
'Use our custom updater to download and update RAGE:MP server files.',
loop: true,
if (action === Actions.INIT_PROJECT) await initProject()
if (action === Actions.UPDATER) await downloadUpdater()

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export async function checkForUpdate(): Promise<void> {
.then(({ data }) => {
const latestVersion = data[0].name
if (!(latestVersion === version))
if (latestVersion !== `v${version}`)
.then(() => res()),