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To make you life easier while using RageFW we created a basic CLI. At the moment automation we have only works via pnpm

pnpm create rage-fw


  • Initialize new project - create new template project
  • Install RAGE:MP updater - download and update RAGE:MP server files


For now, you will see a few available options. They are described in detail below

  • Initialize new project
  • Install RAGE:MP updater

Initialize new project

Using this options will forward you to common project-creation menu

  • Enter project name

This option will specify a name for your project which is used as a folder name too. Defaults to rage-fw

  • Select frontend

Use this selector menu to choose which frontend framework you want to use. We will do our best to expand this menu after some time. Defaults to React + TypeScript (Vite)

Install Rage:MP updater

This option will simplify installation process of Rage:MP server files required to start your server